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Psychology of Motivation and Happiness

Nobody will ever deny the fact of having an element of greed in him her - even you. If you are not, why then do you seek more of everything you already have (money, knowledge, fame, recognition, love, motivation, happiness, friendship etc)? Successful hunters knows that before you can catch a Monkey, you must have what will entice the Monkey.

Motivation and Happiness are like every monkeys out there. To be motivated or Happy, you have to posses those things that attracts motivated and happy people (If you try to chase Motivation and Happiness on their own, they will always elude you).

one of the things you need to do to be motivated and happy is 'to do the things you love most'. The problem with this is the fact that over 90% of the worlds' entire population do not actually do things they enjoy doing but, things that circumstances make them do.

As you already know that every identified problem has solution, the solution to this problem is to develop love for what ever you find yourself doing provided is not illegal.

Another thing you need to do to be motivated and happy is to always remind yourself of the fact that you paid nothing to enjoy the air of life and other good things of life. This will make you give thanks and show gratitude to God, the giver of life. Research has shown that grateful and thankful people are always the most motivated and happy people on earth. Learn the art of giving thanks and see happiness and motivation chasing you in all your endeavours.

Also, being the helper (giver) and not the helped (receiver) will make you have everything you desire (motivation and happiness inclusive.) Only the assurance that God must hear and answer the prayers made by those you helped towards you will give you an enormous happiness and motivation to do more good things.

Having the ability to shelve things (negative things) behind us help us a lot in getting and staying motivated at all times. Happy people can attest to this. They are not happy because they have no problem but because they learn to hang all their problems on a tree along the road side and walk away. This makes it possible for them to free their mind as happiness and motivation can not dwell in a; depressed, worried, troubled and stressed mind.

In every thug you do, always strive to do all the above and see if happiness and motivation will not be chasing you all your life. GET MOTIVATED, STAY MOTIVATED AND ENJOY ALL THE GOOD THING OF LIFE-including peace of mind.

Okwuduche Chinweike is an accountant who found joy in helping people come out of the shackles of demotivation. This he does at [] he also finds joy in helping out with their financial worries and stress. Please do visit []

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