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How to Find Happiness In Life: 7 Simple Strategies for Finding Happiness

If you want to know how to be happy then you've probably hit a brick wall in life where you are stopping to question the choices you've made and where these choices have led. It's important to note that life is full of ups and downs and it's perfectly natural to ask these questions. In fact you should feel blessed that you're seeking ways to find happiness, many unfortunately never do!

Here's the thing; we have come to rely on material goods, objects and other fake means of pursuing happiness that consume us and don't make us any happier - in fact it has the opposite effect!

It's important to let go of negative, needy emotions and strive to focus on the things that really matter such as ourselves and those closest to us. Happiness comes from within not externally so remember money wont buy happiness! Happiness cannot be brought or bargained for, only by connecting with our inner-self and forging strong relationships with the people that matter to us most can we expect to find that happiness we all seek.

Don't take health, family or even the fact you have clean drinking water for granted. When you make this shift in mental perception and display gratitude, compassion and consideration you'll not only walk the path towards inner-peace and happiness but you'll enrich your life in many ways.

How to Find Happiness

Are You Optimistic OR Pessimistic?

How you perceive life, situations, people (among other things) will play a key role in how happy you are in yourself. Being positive and optimistic is a choice, we are in charge of our own thoughts, feelings and emotions so strive to see the best in everything no matter how negative it may seem. As the saying goes "every cloud has a silver lining".

Finding Time For YOU

The most important thing in your life is YOU. Many forget this simple fact and become far to consumed by modern-day life never really taking the time to connect with their inner-self. It's important to take some to enjoy the moment and let go of the daily stresses and niggling worries that we are all subject to.

Do The Things That Make You Feel Happy

We all have certain hobbies and activities that we love to engage in. So make time for them, avoid sedentary hobbies such as watching TV and playing video games. Instead pursue more productive activities that add to your self-worth and leave you feeling positive. Put simply if something makes you feel good then it makes sense to keep doing it right?

Living For The Here & Now

There's an old Eastern philosophy that says; "if you're depressed you're living in the past and if you're anxious you're living in the future". It's true and as someone who was registered with clinical depression I found that YES I was living in the past. You need to focus on living in the moment because when it comes down to it the "here and now" is all that really matters. The past is the past and the future has yet to happen.

Your Health Really Does Matter!

Again modern-day society is AWOL. Many lead unhealthy lifestyles, consuming the wrong foodstuffs and getting little physical activity. This is a sure-fire way to make you feel unhappy in yourself! Maintaining a proper diet, getting regular exercise and ensuring your body gets adequate rest is a fundamental building block in being happy.

Forging Strong Relationships With Those Closest to You

The biggest external factor in you finding happiness in life is your family and loved ones. Modern day society sees families becoming more and more distanced, living under the same roof but living as strangers in a way! You need to bring the family together, stay connected and share your life with each-other. Your family and loved ones are the biggest blessing you have in life and you need to maintain strong bonds with each-other.

Do You Enjoy Your Job?

Your work environment is a big part of your life where you'll be spending much time. If you're not happy in your job then you can bet this is going to affect your life outside of working hours! There's no easy remedy here but if your job is making you truly unhappy then maybe it's time to consider a change.

Wrapping It Up

Striving to find happiness in your life is a never-ending journey. Determine the key areas that you feel may be contributing to unhappiness and actively seek ways to remedy them. More importantly though be honest in all that you do, be compassionate and caring and show gratitude for the blessings in your life (no matter how trivial they seem). Doing so will set you on the path to finding happiness, inner-peace and fulfillment.

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Article Source:'_Shea

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