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Long Distance Love and Dating - How to Stay Happy

When it comes to long distance love and dating, it is sometimes not the easiest journey in love. When you are dating someone who you really like, but the only thing keeping you apart is the distance, it can get tough sometimes. But the good news is, you can still make it last happily.

It would be the perfect world if we would meet the man or woman of our dreams living just down the street, or at least in the same city. But sometimes after years of looking for that special person, we meet them living in another city, country, or even continent.

So should you give up love just because of the physical distance, or do you want to find a way to make it work and keep your love and passion alive?

The Story of Love Distance Love, and How to Make It Happily Last

That was the question I had to ask myself a few years ago when I was doing some business in Malaysia and met this wonderful guy from Holland, doing some biochemistry research there as well.

We started seeing each other in Malaysia and instantly we had a connection. Since we both had to go back to our countries, we were in different continents there. So from then on, it was honestly a challenge to keep our love and passion strong for a year, seeing each other only on vacation opportunities on and off, until he could finally switch his career and move to the States to live together.

So why am I sharing this story with you?

Because based on personal experience, I really believe it is by all means possible to keep your fire alive when dating someone long distance. You just need to know some insider tips and secrets to make your long distance relationship happily last. Here are top 3 tips to help you...

1. Keep Your Constant Touch

When you don't live just around the corner together, sometimes it's tricky to lose touch for a while. Don't. Sometimes one time is enough to grow you apart emotionally from each other, and because you are not there to cuddle and make it up, you may never get back your intimacy for a long time.

So no matter how busy you may be, always keep in regular contact: sending emails, romantic e-cards, romantic love poems, SMSes, calls, video chats, and more. Be a real part of each other's lives.

2. Be There When You Are Needed the Most

Sometimes we may be going through a tough time and really need someone to be there to talk to and hug. Even though you can't be there physically to give your partner a hug in those days, you can still show him/her your full support and understanding in other ways.

It is in these times and the value of your love is demonstrated in actions the most, and it gives your love and intimacy a boost and will re-ignite the fire of your love.

3. Find Opportunities to Meet Each Other as Often as Possible

Even though you can keep your love alive with long distance dating, still nothing can compare to a real kiss, hug, or sleeping in each other's arms and feeling loved and safe.

So whether it is during the holidays, Christmas, you and your partner's birthdays, or other occasions, try to arrange to see each other - even if for a few days. You'll be surprised how it will do wonders in making your love bloom all over again.

Best of luck with your long distance dating journey!

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